On 8 and 9 December, the kick off meeting of the SystainML project was held by eProsima in Madrid. It was a fruitful moment with many exchanges with all the project partners.
AI is increasingly becoming a significant factor in the CO2 footprint of the European economy. To avoid a conflict between sustainability and economic competitiveness and to allow the European economy to leverage AI for its leadership in a climate friendly way, new technologies to reduce the energy requirements of all parts of AI system are needed. A key problem is the fact that tools and methods that currently drive the rapid spread and democratization of AI prioritize performance and functionality while paying little attention to the CO2 footprint. As a consequence, we see rapid growth in AI applications, but not much so in AI applications that are optimized for low power and sustainability.
SustainML is a €3.7M project that aims to provide a new interactive, application-aware, life-cycle oriented, model-hardware co-design development framework for sustainable ML and green AI. The framework will foster energy efficiency from the design and exploration phase, that includes exploratory iterations of training, testing and optimizing different system versions, through the final training of the production systems and continuous online re-training during deployment for the inference process. It will optimize the ML solutions based on the application tasks, across levels from hardware to model architecture. AI developers from all experience levels will be able to make use of the framework.
Project partners are:
- eProsima
- TU Kaiserslautern
- University of Copenhagen
- IBM Research GmbH
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070408.