UPMEM Named Global Finalist in “Advanced Computing & AI” category of Hello Tomorrow HTChallenge
UPMEM is among the seven “Advanced Computing & AI” finalists in the Hello Tomorrow HTChallenge, chosen from more than 5000 worldwide applications ! We will pitch in Paris on March 13th and will present for one of the first time our products and benchmarks demonstrating the breakthrough benefits of PIM for most Big data and AI applications. We will show how you can give your environment a boost for a much more efficient use of datacenter infrastructure, as well as powerful and secure edge.
Meet us there if you want to talk about ultra-efficient Processing in-Memory acceleration solutions, maybe discover business opportunities, or if you want to join our growing team !
To reach us before the event or if you can’t make the event, but would like to connect, email : contact@localhost
Welcome to contact us for more insights !
Contacts: contact@localhost