PARIS, FRANCE – October 2, 2019 – UPMEM teams up with Orange Labs, the R&D branch of the global leading telecommunication operator headquartered in France, to deep dive into the possibilities of PIM (Processing in-Memory) chips as security amplifiers for IoT and edge processing. Forthcoming 5G accelerates the need for such solutions, combining security and more powerful and efficient processing resources.
UPMEM silicon-based disruptive Processing in-Memory solution truly solves memory bottlenecks and saves the dominant energy cost of data movement in the computing node, by reducing dramatically off-chip data movement. UPMEM performed, with its partners (worldclass research institutions and key big data players), various use cases and benchmarks covering fields of Big Data: genomics, Database, index search, cryptography…
With first products being delivered to customers, UPMEM aims to explore more potential applications, by enhancing security properties.
The project with Orange Labs will demonstrate the specific advantage of PIM with respect to security: by design and construction, as processors in memory are not shared between applications, they are immune to the latest class of exploits (SPECTRE, MELTDOWN and their variants) plaguing classical processors, providing an unmatched performance x security combination.
The goal of the project is to propose a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) with unmatched memory and processing capabilities at low cost. This robustness will prove extremely valuable from IoT context to datacenter environment.
UPMEM’s strategic cooperation with the leading telecommunication operator will give a decisive impulse to PIM in IoT and edge market.
This project, officially launched in October 2nd at Orange Gardens facilities, benefits from RAPID (Régime d’Appui pour l’Innovation Duale) grant, financed by DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement), as it allows extension of PIM to strategic security issues, that is securing 5G, IoT and edge deployment.
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