While Europe is slowly recovering from the sanitary crisis, we have some interesting materials and future event to share with the PIM community:
The latest issue of HiPEACinfo has been released and showcase a great article about UPMEM. It now available for download on the HiPEAC website or view via Issuu. Meanwhile, hard copies are being printed and sent to members and stakeholders.
On the 15th of June 13:40 PDT, Alexandra Fedorova (Alias Sasha), an experienced researcher on memory usage at UBC and long time user of UPMEM PIM will be speaking at Systor2021. Sasha’s key note speech is titled: Disaggregated * Meets Near-Data Processing.
It will be fascinating to hear feedbacks and ideas from a first hand and expert user of the technology. Besides, it is free to attend! Here is the link to the conference to attend live or check out the recordings afterwards.
Another major speech from the same folks at the UBC is expected on July 16. This time is to present their paper at the reputed USENIX ATC, titled “A Case Study of Processing-in-Memory in off-the-Shelf Systems”. The session will begin at 8:30am Pacific time, so around 17:30 in France. Check out the full program. The video of the presentation will be available after the conference. In the meantime, the paper is already available to download.
Finally, Computex Taiwan is still ongoing in its online version, and you can find UPMEM’s booth in the Innovex section under the French Tech pavilion. We are exposing our latest PIM products: the PIM DIMM and the PIM datacenter. Feel free to visit our e-booth and chat with us until the end of the month. Click here to start your visit of the exhibition.